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About Us

Photo by Peter Jiang

The Epson International Pano Awards 

The Epson International Pano Awards was founded in 2009 by Australian landscape photographer David Evans (2015 AIPP Australian Landscape Photographer of the Year) with the invaluable support of Epson Australia, joined in 2024 by Epson Southeast Asia, and has since grown into a collaboration between dedicated professional photographers, industry professionals and sponsors worldwide. It is a labour of love for all involved.

Our aim is to give the genre of panoramic photography its day in the sun, especially via the showcase of winning and top-scoring entries to media around the world.

As panoramic photography is a niche genre without big dollar funding, we rely on entry fees to fund this event – which are set to cover IT, marketing and PR, prize money, judges fees (as professionals they are paid for their time and expertise) and administration of the competition only. There are no company profits to the organiser, Epson, or any sponsors or entities.

We would like to acknowledge our headline sponsors Epson Australia and Epson Southeast Asia, and all our sponsors, judges and entrants, for their invaluable support.

We strive for continual improvement and run an inclusive competition that recognises the many facets of panoramic photography.  Therefore, we welcome feedback and suggestions… don’t hesitate to get in touch.

If you are interested in becoming an invaluable sponsor by contributing to our prize pool, please also drop us a line.

The International Pano Awards
David Evans, Curator
PO Box 28
Aldgate SA 5154

ABN: 48 314 982 488

Interested in becoming a sponsor? Please get in touch!

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