Isabella Tabacchi
Member of the Epson International Pano Awards Judging Panel 2024

About Isabella
Isabella Tabacchi is a landscape photographer based in the north of Italy.
Her photography and art are the result of her need to explore the natural places and capture these landscapes from her personal point of view. Isabella explored and studied the boundless sceneries in the Alps, with a special regard to the Italian Dolomites. Her curiosity for different natural scenarios made her travel to Kamchatka, in Far East Russia, to Namibia, Iceland, Lofoten and many other countries.
Awarded as Photographer of the Year 2020 in the Moscow International Photo Awards 2020 (MIFA) thanks to a serie from the project “Kamchatka: to the abyss of the Earth”.
Isabella received the title of Hasselblad Heroine in 2021 and the 3rd prize in the International Landscape Photographer of the Year 2020 award. Judge in Hasselblad X You 2019 competition, Annual Photo Awards 2021 and CIP International Photo Festival, 2018, 2019, 2020 editions. Juror in the contest “Uno scatto per la natura”, organized by the italian Ministry of Environment and AFNI.
Her works have been featured by Daily Mail, The Times, National Geographic, The Telegraph, Elle, House and Garden and many other magazines.