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Matt Jackisch

Matt Jackisch

Member of the Epson International Pano Awards Judging Panel 2025

About Matt

Matt Jackisch is a wilderness photographer residing in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. His rise in photography was born out of a thirst for adventure and an appetite for greater things. Matt’s primary areas of focus are the old growth forests and rugged mountains in his region, but he also enjoys adventuring in remote parts of the world such as the Andes, Himalayas or Karakoram ranges. The wilder the space, the greater the allure.

In addition to chasing light with his camera, Matt also enjoys chasing wind. He is an avid kite surfer. It is through these two mediums in which he maintains a strong connection with Nature.

Matt has enjoyed a small number of accolades over the years including the Pano Awards Open Photographer of the Year in 2020.

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