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Preparing Your Images

Photo by Radisics Milan

Open & Amateur Competitions

Entrants must upload their Entries as digital files with specifications as follows:

  • RGB (sRGB or Adobe RGB)
  • 3000 Pixels on the longest side and not greater than 1500 pixels on the shortest side
  • 300 PPI
  • saved as a jpeg at a setting 10 or higher (referring to the scale out of 12 in Adobe Photoshop)
  • Please include your own name in each file name (all entries will then be assigned a random catalogue number of judging). Please do not include commas, inverted commas, spaces or odd characters in file names.
  • Please do not watermark your images

VR/360 Competition

Entrants must upload their Entries as digital files with specifications as follows:

  • 6144 by 3072 pixels (equirectangular) image
  • jpegs must be 6144 x 3072, but may have black bands at top and/or bottom
  • RGB colour space (sRGB or Adobe RGB), JPEG quality setting 10
  • no logos, watermarks or nadir caps (blank nadir caps or mirror balls are acceptable)
  • You will be able to set pan and tilt when you upload each entry. However, please test these variables prior to uploading as you will not be able to preview your entry once they have been set.
  • Final images for judging will be produced with Pano2VR software (see and you may like to test your settings on this software before entering.
  • Please include your own name in each file name (all entries will then be assigned a random catalogue number of judging). Please do not include commas, inverted commas, spaces or odd characters in file names.

VR Notes:

  • Pan is an integer between 0 and 360 (degrees), measured from the center of the equirectangular image (as zero) – remember that it wraps around and increases from right to left.  (Note: 0-360 is the Pano2VR legacy setting and entries will be transferred to the current equivalent Pano2VR pan setting of -180 to 180 for judging)
  • Tilt is between -90 and 90 degrees, from straight down to straight up
  • Final image display aspect ratio will be 16:9
  • Initial field of view is set at 60 degrees
  • Zoom limits are set at 30-100 degrees

For resources on VR photography, visit,, and

Naming Your Files

To assist with processing and judging please name your files as per the following examples as a guide.  This will assist us with the curation of the files.  If you have already entered and not followed this protocol, don’t worry…your entries will still be valid.  This is simply our preferred method.

Example 1

John Smith entering an image he’s titled “Piazza at Dusk” in the Open – Built Environment category:

Example 2

Julie Smith entering an image she’s titled “Fields of Gold” in the Amateur – Landscapes / Nature category.

Example 3

Sarah Jones entering a Vr/360 image she’s titled “Northern Stars” in the Open – VR/360 category.


Whilst completing your entry, thumbnail images will be generated to assist your entry. Please note these thumbnail images are auto-generated low-resolution sRGB files and are intended only to assist the entering of the awards. Rest assured that during the judging process, judges will only view and judge your original high resolution images.

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