Preparing Your Images
Photo by Radisics Milan
Photo by Radisics Milan
Entrants must upload their Entries as digital files with specifications as follows:
Entrants must upload their Entries as digital files with specifications as follows:
VR Notes:
For resources on VR photography, visit,, and
To assist with processing and judging please name your files as per the following examples as a guide. This will assist us with the curation of the files. If you have already entered and not followed this protocol, don’t worry…your entries will still be valid. This is simply our preferred method.
John Smith entering an image he’s titled “Piazza at Dusk” in the Open – Built Environment category:
Julie Smith entering an image she’s titled “Fields of Gold” in the Amateur – Landscapes / Nature category.
Sarah Jones entering a Vr/360 image she’s titled “Northern Stars” in the Open – VR/360 category.
Whilst completing your entry, thumbnail images will be generated to assist your entry. Please note these thumbnail images are auto-generated low-resolution sRGB files and are intended only to assist the entering of the awards. Rest assured that during the judging process, judges will only view and judge your original high resolution images.