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Janie Fitzgerald

Member of the Epson International Pano Awards Judging Panel 2023

About Janie

Janie Fitzgerald, an accomplished American photographer, is widely recognized for her significant contributions in the field of 360ยบ immersive photography. Her exceptional skills in architecture photography have also gained recognition. Janie was among the first few photographers to venture into the realm of 360 photography, creating the original showcase content for the revolutionary release of QuickTimeVR by Apple in 1995. Throughout her commercial career, Janie has worked with several high-profile clients including Apple, Warner Brothers, Carnegie Hall, and UNESCO, among others, producing 360 VR content. Her creative work is inspired by cinema, music, and the natural world, allowing her imagination to take her on a journey of different concepts and dreamscapes as immersive technology advances.

In addition to her commercial work, Janie’s photography has been exhibited in galleries built on Web3 technologies.

(Profile photo by Greg Downing)



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